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Faith Formation

Holy Trinity School is a Catholic Parish School and, as such, all students actively participate in the Religion programs. The student looks at life experiences and how they relate to his/her faith. Faith development is presented through the study of Scripture, church doctrine and tradition. All students have religion class daily. Class and school prayer services, and other liturgical celebrations are an integral part of the curriculum in our Catholic school, enabling us to carry out our mission. Students are encouraged to practice Christian action and awareness of the needs of others by participating in a variety of service activities sponsored by the school. Students and Families are encourage to pray together and we strive to have our students know their prayers. Prayers to Be Learned

First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation are celebrated as a parish community, and registration for formation is through the Faith Formation Ministry. Each is a developmental formation that includes both classroom and parish preparation. The Holy Trinity School Ministry and Faith Formation Ministry together offer classroom study through the religion curriculum, parent meetings, practices, prayer services, and celebration of the sacrament.

Penance & Eucharist

Children receive formation for Penance and Eucharist at the same time and celebrate these sacraments in the second grade.


Candidates celebrate Confirmation in the fall after eighth grade. Confirmation formation occurs in the seventh and eighth grades.