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Uniform and Dress Code

Appearance and Uniform Requirements

Student dress, grooming, and personal cleanliness impact the image of Holy Trinity Catholic School. It is a part of Catholic school tradition to wear uniforms to avoid class distinction and over-interest in fads. A neat, clean, and tasteful appearance with well-groomed hair creates an atmosphere of confidence, respect, and learning. It is an opportunity to uphold, reflect, and respect the dignity of the human person. In adhering to the uniform and dress code, students practice the virtues of humility, modesty, obedience, and respect.

It is the joint responsibility of parents and students to see that the uniform and dress code of the school is carried out daily.

It is the responsibility of the teacher and staff to monitor and report non-compliance. Every student is expected to be in proper uniform every school day unless otherwise authorized.

The uniform should be neat, clean, properly fitting, and in good repair. Violations of any uniform, dress code, and appearance requirements are subject to school discipline to include but not limited to immediate correction of the violation prior to admittance to school for the day, detention, and loss of privileges.

The school cannot anticipate every fashion trend that may develop and therefore reserves the right to make judgment regarding the application of these general guidelines to specific items at any time.

BASIC UNIFORM (all pieces required every day)

Polo shirts, crew neck sweatshirts, fleece and windbreaker jackets, and all pe uniform clothing is available for sale through the school office.

  • Jumper: Grades TK-3 (Contact the school office). No shorter than 2″ above knee.
  • Skirt: Grades 4-8 (Contact the school office). No shorter than 2″ above knee. Black or navy spandex shorts if tights are not worn.
  • Slacks: Grades TK-5 solid navy grades. Grades 6-8 Khaki slacks.
  • Belts: Grades 3-8 black, brown or navy “leather type” belt is required when wearing slacks or shorts.
  • Shirt/Blouse: Grades TK-8 White or green polo shirt with school logo. White polo shirts are required on Mass uniform days for grades 4-8. Shirts must be tucked in.
  • Sweater/Sweatshirt: Grades TK-8, Green with school logo; *NO Hooded sweatshirts after the 2022-2023 school year.
    Grade 8 sweatshirts: Graduate class sweatshirts (created by 8th grade) are an earned privilege and may not be worn when Mass uniform is required. The principal reserves the right to determine the theme and timeline for sweatshirts.
  • Summer/Spring Uniform option (April 1 – October 31): Shorts may only be worn between 4/1 and 10/31.
  • Shorts: Grades TK-5 navy/ Grades 6-8 khaki walking shorts. No shorter than 2″ above knee/3" above the middle of the knee.
  • Socks: Plain solid color in black, white or navy. No logos. Must be visible and cover ankle bone.
  • Shoes: Fabric: Canvas and/or leather. Style: No sandals or backless shoes. Non-checked “Vans” are acceptable. Color: Solid basic dark colors: brown, black, navy or white.

School Logo must be on Shirts/Blouses/Sweater/Sweatshirt attire. If wearing a T-shirt under the uniform shirt, it must be plain white.


  • Crew Shirt: Gray with School Logo or current school year Ministry Run t-shirt.
  • Sweatshirts: Solid Green with School Logo. *NO Hooded sweatshirts after the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Athletic Shorts: Solid Navy with logo
  • Sweatpants: (Optional) Solid Navy with logo
  • Shoes: Tennis or athletic shoes

All students are REQUIRED to wear PE uniform on PE days.


  • All clothing should be marked clearly with student first and last name
  • Uniform items must be size-appropriate and may not be modified in any way (e.g., purchasing smaller sizes than are appropriate or hemming skirts, etc).
  • No distracting shoes, i.e., lights, buzzers, or skating, etc.
  • Sandals and open-toed shoes are never allowed.
  • Only school uniform sweatshirts may be worn.
  • Outer coats may be worn over the uniform outdoors, but not in the classroom (sweaters/sweatshirts only).
  • No other clothing is allowed including Scout uniforms, and high school/college sweatshirts.
  • Students must call home for a change of clothes if out of uniform.
  • If circumstances prevent a student from coming to school in uniform, a note must be sent to the principal and teacher. The substitute uniform should be as similar to the uniform as possible.
  • NO TATTOOS, permanent or washable
  • No fake nails, nail polish, or French manicures.
  • A clean, well-groomed appearance is required for students. Students sent to school without attention to cleanliness, uniform, or neatness may be sent home to be properly prepared for school.
  • Make-up, lipstick, or colored lip gloss are not permitted during the school day.
  • Clear lip balm only is permitted.
  • Hairstyles are to be simple, clean, and neat. Hair must be its natural color with no highlights, no fads, distinct layers, or distracting hairstyles.
  • Boys’ hair must be out of the eyes, above the ears, and above the collar.
  • Boys must be clean shaven (when applicable).
  • The only acceptable forms of jewelry that may be worn include a wristwatch, one pair of matching stud earrings for girls only (one in each earlobe only), a holy medal, cross, or crucifix on a chain, a scapular that is worn inside the shirt or blouse (for boys or girls), or a medical alert necklace and/or bracelet when necessary (no other bracelets may be worn).
  • *NO Hooded sweatshirts after the 2022-2023 school year.


A class spirit-color shirt may be worn with school uniform bottoms.

UNIFORM HOLIDAYS or “Free choice dress”

On certain days, the principal may call a uniform holiday. On these occasions, students must dress in a manner consistent with modesty, and follow guidelines laid out by the principal for the occasion.

FREE “FREE DRESS” and “FREE DRESS” for a Cause

All General Dress Code Regulations apply

Modesty and simplicity are guiding principles for free dress.

  • No extreme fads
  • Shorts must not be shorter than 3" above the middle of the knee. NO short shorts, no cut-offs, no holes.
  • Jeans in good repair (with no holes, intentional or otherwise), will be acceptable for “free dress”
  • Pants of any kind must fit appropriately, i.e. not skintight, no spandex and no skinny jeans.
  • Pants should be worn at the waist (no sagging).
  • Halters, tank tops, or spaghetti straps are not allowed.
  • No midriff shirts, loose baggy trousers, cutoffs, see-through shirts, or bike shorts are allowed.
  • Objectionable clothing displaying images, e.g., alcohol, tobacco, drugs, controversial rock groups, or themes, are not allowed.
  • No flip flops. Sandals with backs are permitted.
  • Hoods on sweatshirts are not allowed to be worn on campus
  • If there is doubt, a plain T-shirt (w/ sleeves), and jeans in good repair are acceptable.